Source code for

Copyright 2017 NEWCRAFT GROUP B.V.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

from typing import Union

import mouseflow
from mouseflow.api import API, IllegalStringLengthException
from mouseflow.api.heatmaps import Heatmaps
from mouseflow.api.recordings import Recordings
from mouseflow.api.recordings.recording import Recording

[docs]class Website(API): ALIGNMENT_CENTER = "Center" ALIGNMENT_LEFT = "Left" ALIGNMENT_RIGHT = "Right" ALIGNMENT_FLEXIBLE = "Flexible" STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED = "NotInstalled" STATUS_RECORDING = "Recording" STATUS_STOPPED = "Stopped" STATUS_PAUSED = "Paused" def __init__(self, parent, site_name: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(site_name, parent=parent, **kwargs) if mouseflow.Mouseflow.debug and self.read_only: print("!!! WARNING: ACCESSING READ ONLY WEBSITE !!!") def __str__(self): return str(self.response) @property def id(self): return self.response.get("id") @property def name(self) -> str: return self.response.get("name") @name.setter def name(self, value: str): if not value: raise ValueError self.put(**self.command, **{"name": value}) @property def created(self): return self.response.get("created") @property def status(self): return self.response.get("status") @status.setter def status(self, value): if value not in [Website.STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED, Website.STATUS_PAUSED, Website.STATUS_RECORDING, Website.STATUS_STOPPED]: raise ValueError self.put(**self.command, **{"status": value}) @property def read_only(self) -> bool: # Avoid having to make a new API call if not necessary if isinstance(self.parent, mouseflow.Websites) and self.parent.init is True: return self.parent.list(True)[self.command[-1]]["readOnly"] return self.response.get("readOnly") @property def domains(self): return self.response.get("domains") @property def recording_rate(self): return self.response.get("recordingRate") @recording_rate.setter def recording_rate(self, value: int): if value < 1: raise ValueError self.put(**self.command, **{"recordingRate": value}) @property def alignment(self): return self.response.get("alignment") @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value: str): if value not in [Website.ALIGNMENT_LEFT, Website.ALIGNMENT_CENTER, Website.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, Website.ALIGNMENT_FLEXIBLE]: raise ValueError self.put(**self.command, **{"alignment": value}) @property def width(self): return self.response.get("width") @width.setter def width(self, value: str): if not value: raise ValueError self.put(**self.command, **{"width": value}) @property def page_identifiers(self): return self.response.get("pageIdentifiers") @property def encoding(self): return self.response.get("encoding") @property def anonymize_ips(self): return self.response.get("anonymizeIps") @property def excluded_ips(self): return self.response.get("excludedIps") @property def merge_urls(self): return self.response.get("mergeUrls")
[docs] def recordings(self, recording_id: str = None, search: str = None, from_date=None, to_date=None, country: str = None, tags: list = None, vars: dict = None, star: bool = None, limit: int = None, meta: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union[Recordings, Recording]: """ Returns :class:`~mouseflow.api.recordings.recording.Recording` if an id is provided otherwise returns :class:`~mouseflow.api.recordings.Recordings` :param recording_id: Recording ID filter :param search: Text search filter :param from_date: Start date filter :param to_date: End date filter :param country: country filter :param tags: tag filter :param vars: variable filter :param star: star filter :param limit: Maximum amount of values returned :param meta: Alias for limit = 0 :param kwargs: Other potential filters as documented in :return: :class:`~mouseflow.api.recordings.Recordings` or :class:`~mouseflow.api.recordings.recording.Recording` """ if limit is not None: kwargs["limit"] = limit if limit is None and meta is True: kwargs["limit"] = 0 if from_date is not None: kwargs["fromDate"] = from_date if to_date is not None: kwargs["toDate"] = to_date if search is not None: kwargs["search"] = search if country is not None: if len(country) > 2: raise IllegalStringLengthException kwargs["country"] = str.lower(country) if star is not None: kwargs["star"] = 1 if star is True else 0 if tags is not None: kwargs["tags"] = ",".join(tags) if vars is not None: kwargs["vars"] = ",".join(["%s=%s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in vars.items()]) if recording_id is not None: return Recordings(self, **kwargs).recording(recording_id) return Recordings(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def heatmaps(self, uri=None) -> Heatmaps: """ :param uri: Uri of the page to load the heatmaps from. :return: :class:`~mouseflow.api.heatmaps.Heatmaps` """ return Heatmaps(self, uri)